Kamis, 03 November 2011

27 OKTOBER 2011

wohooooooo ,, akhirnya setelah 4 tahun gw jungkir balik mondar mandir ngawur ngidul ke kampus selesai juga nih gw nyelesaiin tugas kuliah gw. ga nyangka aja buat gw pengen terak banget rasanyaa.. waaaaahhh sumpah im happy
eh eh , apa sih? knp sih?
hahahaa .. belom gw kasih tau yah
iyaa jadi tuh di tangggal 27 oktobeer ini gw WISUDA SARJANA coooooyy!!!!

Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

mengadu nasib

1 kewajiban udah selesai dan sekarang mesti jalanin kewajiban lainya nihh..
ya ampun pemirsaaaa... setelah kuliah selesai ternyata kehidupan semakin keras lho..
gw udah coba beberapa kali ngelamar kerja dong pemirsa :)
dari mulai ngelamar langsung ke perusahaan itu , kirim email sampe nitip lamaran pun juga pernah .. sampe sekarang belom ada nih yg sreg di hati gw
gw nya yg ppilah/ih atau emang blm dapet cemistry ya?
hahahah entahlah??
okelah segini dulu critaan gw yg penting ga penting ini ya pemirsaa


Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

24 september 2011

today !! yupp hari ini hari paLing menggetarkan jantung gw selama hidup gw
( agak lebay ) tp bener lho . sumpah demi apapun di hari ini tuh sangat berarti bgt buat gw .. hari ini gw SIDANG SARJANA S1
*wohooooooo akhirnya setelah 4taun gw kuliah dateng juga nih sidang sarjana*

sumpah dag dig dug pas nunggu pengumuman kelulusan
dan akhirnyaa LaLaLaLaaaaa GW LULUSSSSS
pengen rasanya lompat setinggi-tingginya diruangan itu hahahahaa
dan saat ini gw punya nama belakang yaitu SHEILA SE
hehehehee :)


Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

my new colorfull blog

sipiriliii ,, blog gw rubah sesuai hati gw yg lg berwarna ini ,,
mulai sekarang gw mau luapin segala keluh kesah tentang perjalanan hidup gw ..
yup hari ini tepat tanggal 5 agustus 2011 pertama kalinya gw posting blog tentang keseharian gw .. tadinya gw berfikiran klo gw ga butuh blog ini , ini blog gw khususkan untuk para dosen gw aja.. tapi setelah gw pertimbangkan dan memahaminya lebih lanjut ( halah apa sihh) akhir nya gw putuskan untuk mensharing segala sesuatunya tentang gw di blog ini.

ok ,, gw mulai ngoceh yaa
gw mahasiswi jurusan ekonomi manajemen tingkat akhir di salah satu universitas
di Depok, (ya ya ya , pasti udah pda tau,, univ sejagat raya itu apalagi klo bukan GUNADARMA) .. heeeyy tapi gw sedikit bangga ko kuliah disitu ,, "sedikit" haha
banyak hal selama 4 taun ini yg gw dapet dr kampus gw itu , salah satunya yaa dipostingan blog2 gw sebelumnya ini,, ( TUGAS ) agak muak yaah bacanya.. zzz -_-
ok forget it bout my campuss
btw btw gw lg mau nunggu sidang akhir nihh ,, deg deg ser tau ga rasanya
minta doanya dong siapapun yg baca blog ini yaa ,, peliiiiissss :)

love sheila

Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Tugas 4 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 (Application Letter, CV, Exercise 37 & 38)

I. Application Letter

Based on advertisement on kompas.com, Saturday Mei 2 2011, PT. Wijaya needs employee the Secretary, along with it,

Name : Sheila
Place, Date of Birth : Jakarta, march 8, 1989
Education : S1
Address : Jl. Margonda Raya no 35 Depok

Submit an application to be an employee secretary. My qualification is appropriate with the requirement. Along with this letter. I hope so that sir / madam can review and consider my application.

That is my application letter submitted. Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,


II. Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Personal Details

Full Name : Sheila
Sex : Female
Place, Date of Birth : Jakarta, march 8, 1989
Nationality : Indonesia
Marital Status : Single
Height, Weight : 155 cm, 55 kg
Religion : Moslem
Address : Jl. Margonda Raya no 35 Depok
Mobile : 081808054780
Phone : 021.94180939
E-mail : akunonaasheila@ymail.com

Educational Background:
1996 - 2001 : kemiri muka III Elementary School, Depok
2001 - 2004 : 276 High School, jakarta
2004 - 2007 : SULUH Senior High School, Depok
2007 - . . . . . : Management of Economic, University of Gunadarma, Depok

Exercise 37 : Relative Clauses

1. that
2. that
3. whom
4. whom
5. that
6. whom
7. whom
8. whom
9. that
10. that
11. whom
12. that
13. whom
14. that
15. whom

Exercise 38 : Relative clause reduction

1. George is the man chosen to represent the committee at the convention.

2. All of the money accepted has already been released.

3. The papers on the table belong to Patricia.

4. The man brought to the police station confessed to the crime.

5. The girl drinking coffee is Mery Allen.

6. John’s wife, a professor, has written several papers on this subject.

7. The man talking to the policeman is my uncle.

8. The book on the top shelf is the one that I need.

9. The number of students counted is quite high.

10. Leo Evans, a doctor, eats in this restaurant every day.

Minggu, 10 April 2011


secretary PT.Expres
Jl. Rasuna Sahid no 8 Jakarta

To: Aureli Karenina

I invite you to attend the meeting. which will be held:
- On Thursday, 14 April, 2011
- at 9 am
- At the Hotel Sahid

Agenda: the formation of the human resources department

Please come on time.


note taking

transfer price is: a unit price of products or services that dibebeankan by one division to another division in an organization lainyang same

method used in transfer pricing:
1. trasnfer based on variable cost + mark up or profit
2. transfer based on the full cost + mark up or profit
3. transfer based on variable costing + mark up or profit
4. transfer based on full costing + mark up or profit
5. transfer based on market prices